Flute and Whistle Playing

A leading traditional musician presents an ‘Exploration of Irish Music’ through the flute and whistle, with tuition for beginners and improvers. Workshops will also explain the development and progress of Irish music up to modern times.

Title Location Price
Saturday, 19 July 2025 — Saturday, 26 July 2025
Flute and Whistle Playing Gleann Cholm Cille €210 Book now
Friday, 24 October 2025 — Monday, 27 October 2025
Flute and Whistle Playing Gleann Cholm Cille €120 Book now

The course is aimed at teachers and individuals who would like to explore the different dimensions of Irish music. This tradition of music, song and dance has evolved down the centuries through the lives and customs of the Irish people. Irish musicians are fortunate to have a rich cultural tapestry of song, dance and folklore which provides the source of our traditional music.

The course, taught by leading Irish musician Claire McGrattan, aims to focus on the following aspects of Irish Music:

  • Music tuition: A number of daily practical sessions learning simple tunes and dances on the tin whistle and flute.
  • Regional Styles: A musical tour of the country which will focus on the different styles of each region.

This course is an introduction to the sources of Irish music and previous experience in playing an instrument is not required.